
Plant products grown with love

Aamla; the Amrit Phal.



Aamla (Phyllanthus emblica/Emblica officinalis) is a deciduous tree native to Indian subcontinent. It is a gift of nature to mankind. It is an indispensible part of the Ayurvedic and Yunani system of medicine. Aamla has amazing remedial qualities that are why it is named as ‘Amrita Phal’. It has many names such as Indian gooseberry and Emblic myrobalan in English; Aamalaki, Aamalaka, Dhatri, Aadiphala, and Shiva in Sanskrit; Aamla, Aanwala and Aanwara in Hindi. The trees of Aamla are found in the forests of Deccan Plateau but this does not mean that it is a wild tree. Almost all the Ayurvedic gardens have this tree many in numbers, people of rural areas in Bihar, Jharkhand, UP, MP, and Rajasthan plant Aamla trees in their house premises and the gardens of Aamla trees are being developed in towns for commercial purposes. The leaves of the tree are simple, sub sessile, and closely set along branchlets, light green, resembling pinnate leaves. The flowers are greenish yellow, smaller in size, nearly 1.5 to 2 cm in width having six petals. The fruits are spherical in shape with 20 to 30 cm in diameter, light greenish yellow in color having six vertical stripes on the smooth hard looking surface.

Cultural Values:

Aamla is considered to be very first fruit created by Lord Brahma that is why it is addressed in Hindu religion as ‘Aadiphala’, means fruit identified in the beginning of the life on earth. Religious books of Hindu culture as Vishnu Puran have called it Aamalaki/ Aamalaka and mentioned as a sacred fruit loved by all three Adi-Dev, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. It is said in Hindu mythology that during the struggle for Amrita between Gods and Demons after Samudra Manthan, few drops of Amrita fell down on earth and the tree of Aamla grew up. Two important festivals in Hindu culture are related to Aamla, ‘Akshay Nawami’ and ‘Aamalaka Ekadashi’. Akshay Nawami also called Aamla Nawami, is a festival celebrated on ninth day of Shukla Paksha of Kartik month. This day women worship the tree of Aamla, offer prayers, perform rituals and circumambulate the tree with yellow threads. Special dishes are prepared in the shed of the tree, offered to the tree as a representative of Lord Vishnu and then distributed among the devotees as prasads. Aamalaka Ekadashi is another festival in Hindu religion associated with Aamla. It is celebrated on eleventh day of Shukla Paksha of Falgun month. The tree of Aamla is worshiped as one of the dwelling places of Lord Vishnu on earth.

Medicinal Values:

Medicinal plants are the gifts of nature for mankind to provide disease free healthy life. Aamla tree is perhaps one of the best gifts to human being awarded by nature. Aamla, commonly known as Indian gooseberry is an important herbal Rasayana used in Ayurvedic and Yunani system of medicine. The fruit of the plant is used both as a medicine and as a tonic to build up lost vitality and vigor. Aamla is highly nutritious and could be an important dietary source of vitamin C, amino acids, and minerals. The plant also contains phenolics compounds, tannins, phyllembelic acid, phyllembelin, rheumatic curcuminoids, and emblicol. Aamla fruit is the main constituent of Chyavanprash prepared by great saint Chyavan to use it as a medicine for rejuvenation. Though all parts of the plant are loaded with many medicinal properties but the fruit alone contains anti-diabetic, anti-bacterial, antioxidant, anti-ulcer, hepatoprotective, and chemo-preventive properties.


Though the taste of the fruit Aamla is sour, bitter and astringent but rich in fiber makes it very useful in daily life of common men. Rejuvenating properties of Indian gooseberry have made it very useful among people of all age, equally among men and women, rich and poor, urban and rural and so on. The uses of the wonder berry can be classified into three parts: (i) Culinary Use, (ii) Cosmetic Use, and (iii) Medicinal Use.

*Culinary Use: Rich in nutrients, Aamla has been used as various kitchen recipes for a long time. Pickles and chutney of Aamla are the most common recipes in almost every kitchen. Tasty murabbah (a sweet dish made by soaking the berries in boiling sugar syrup) and halvah are the sweet dishes made from Aamla. Aamla candy is very popular among children and good health tonic as well. It is also cooked into many curries and stews to impart a tangy flavor to the dish. Juice of Aamla alone and also with palm jiggery is among good health drinks and very tasty too. Jams and jellies are prepared with fresh fruits very easily in general kitchens. Dried Aamla powder is prepared and kept in the kitchen to sprinkle over salad and some drinks.

*Cosmetic Use: Fresh Aamla juice or dried Aamla soaked water are good health tonic for hair growth and preventing hair fall as well as early whitening of hair. Shampoos and hair oils containing Aamla are very popular among women. Daily use of the fruit or the fruit products purify the blood and make the faces shiny and beautiful. Both external and oral use of Aamla juice protects the face skin from wrinkles, pimples and aging signs. It can minimize the appearance of dark spots, blemishes, and pigmentation to result more radiant and even toned skin. Being rich in vitamin C & E, it can protect the skin from oxidative effects. It improves skin appearance by reducing fine lines and dark circles to look skin younger and fresh. Aamla is a natural moisturizer which rejuvenates the skin by retaining the natural look. Astringent property of this fruit can maintain the tightness of the skin and reduce the big pores appearing due to pollution and aging.

*Medicinal use: In traditional medicines Aamla is perhaps the most useful components, whether the preparations are made for particular health issues or for general immunity boosters. Dried and fresh fruits of Aamla are used in various medicinal preparations in Ayurvedic and Yunani systems of traditional medications. According to Ayurveda, Aamla is sour (amla) and astringent (Kashaya) in taste (Rash), with sweet (Madhur), bitter (Tikta) and pungent (Katu) in secondary taste (Anurasha), its qualities (Guna) are light (Laghu) and dry (Ruksha), the post digestive effect (Vipaka) is sweet (Madhur) and its energy (Virya) is cool (Shita). In Ayurvedic poly-herbal formulations, Aamla is common constituent and most notably is the primary ingredient in an ancient herbal Rasayana called ‘Chyavanprash’. The antioxidants and vitamin C present in the fruit of Aamla helps the body recover from illness and rejuvenates the system to retain the lost strength during illness period. Several flavonoids and chemicals activate the brain cells to improve memory.

Chemical Composition:

Plant of Aamla contains tannins, alkaloids, and phenols. Nearly 30% of total tannins distributed in the whole plant are found in fruits in the form of two hydrolysable tannins emblicanin A & B. These phyto-chemicals have antioxidant properties; give Gallic acid, ellagic acid and glucose on hydrolysis. Along with these it contains amino acids, ascorbic acids, some fibrous proteins and carbohydrates and some vitamins and minerals also. The fruit juice contains the highest concentration of vitamin C; very much more than those in oranges, tangerines and lemons. The fruit also contains phyllembelin and several phyto-chemicals like Gallic acid, corilagin, furocin, and geranin. Flavonoids like quercetin, alkaloids like phyllantine and phyllantidine are found in the fruits of Aamla.

Potential Health Benefits:

According to Ayurveda, Aamla is the first fruit came into existence when life had been initiated on earth. It is described as a fruit which can rejuvenate and boost immunity. It has potential to improve stamina of the body and defense power against any infection because of its Virya and Rasayana. It helps improve digestion, control blood sugar level, prevents aging and nourishes hair growth. Some specific health benefits of this magical fruit are as follows:

*Immunity: Aanwala has some immune strengthening effects due to its high vitamin C content as compared to other sources of vitamin C. It can optimize immune health in many ways. It is an antioxidant so it works to decrease cellular damage and inflammation due to attack of oxidizing agents on our body. Aanwala and its products have potential to boost immunity level to the extent that body can fight against auto-immune disorders. Vitamin C present in Aanwala may help bolster immune system by promoting the proliferation of phagocytes, which are specialized immune cells that help swallow up harmful invaders. It also helps our body to develop protective antibodies against perceived threats.

*Digestion: Aanwala berries contain enough soluble dietary fibers like pectin which are responsible for regulating bowel movements to give relief in irritable bowel syndrome. High content of vitamin C helps in digestion and absorption of essential minerals in intestine. Hypo-acidity and hyper-acidity are very common digestion problems; preparations of Aanwala can provide relief from these problems. Aanwala products save and revive liver from damages done by high fat diets or toxic food adulterations like nitro-diethyl-amine.

*Diabetes: Generally diabetes is caused by stress and inactivity of pancreas, Aanwala is an effective remedy of diabetes in both the cases. Aanwala is a good source of vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant and able to reverse the free radical generation and the effect of oxidative stress. It has ability to activate the functioning of pancreas again to normal level. Regular consumption of Aanwala and its products can prevent the chances of diabetes. Dietary fibers present in Aanwala can absorb the excess sugar from blood to maintain normal sugar level.

*Weight Loss: Slow rate of metabolic reactions in the system of our body causes accumulation of fat and sometimes it reaches to the level of obesity. Aanwala improves the rate of metabolism and helps controlling weigh. Appetizer and digestive properties of the juice of Aanwala regulates the metabolic reactions and maintains the metabolic rates. Aanwala helps prevent the fat formation and deposition as well as flushes out the toxins resulting fat deposition.

*Hypertension: Antioxidants present in Aanwala have ability to scavenge the free radicals produced by the body during stress. Along with antioxidants, Aanwala contains a notable amount of potassium minerals which regulate blood pressure. Keeping Aanwala in regular diets or taking its Ayurvedic products regularly as preventive and protective supplements serve the patients of high BP as a sure remedial solution. Potassium minerals present in the fruit dilate blood to reduce the harm caused by high blood pressure. Aanwala Juice is very effective remedy of high BP and hyper tension.

*Heart Health: Aanwala Juice, candy, and Avaleha (Ayurvedic product) prevent the rise of cholesterol in blood protecting the heart from the possibility of strokes, blockage in arteries and veins, obstructions in smooth flow of blood due to thickening of arteries and veins and also any defect in the valves of the chambers of the heart. Aanwala increases the level of the main protein involved in lipid and cholesterol metabolism, to reduce the level of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, VLDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the body.

*Osteoarthritis & Joint Pain: Ayurveda suggests Aanwala and its preparations for treatment of ‘Sandhivata’ which is called osteoarthritis in modern medical science. This is a painful disease of aggravated Vata causes swelling in the joints and very tough movements of the joints. Aanwala is very effective remedy of osteoarthritis which reduces inflammation, pain and improves mobility. Damaged cartilages inside the joints are repaired by bio-chemicals and antibiotics present in Aanwala to get rid of joint pain and difficult mobility of joints.

*Mental Health: Antioxidants present in Aanwala fruits have strong quenching ability on free radicals damaging brain cells. Aanwala protects brain cells from damage and memory loss. Some phyto-chemicals present in Aanwala can enhance memory power of brain and keep healthy. Ayurvedic practitioners suggest products of Aanwala for treatment of dementia, the disease of memory loss.

*Eye’s Health: Night-blindness is very common in rural society and its treatment with Aanwala is also very common. Though the people don’t know that vitamin A is present in the fruit of Amrita Phal along with vitamin C, but they know that it will be sure shot remedy for night-blindness. This amazing herbal gift of nature is also helpful in improving vision. Aanwala has potential benefit against the risk of macular degeneration and conjunctivitis and other aging problems in eyes.

*Cancer: Many observations based on clinical researches have proved the potential benefit of Polyphenols found in Aanwala to improve the protection against cancer. Specially, Polyphenols present in the extracts of Aanwala inhibit oxidative stress, produce pro-inflammatory chemicals, prevent DNA damage, and increase apoptosis through various metabolic reactions. One of the Polyphenols show anti-proliferative effect via cell arrest in the case of lungs cancer. The protective effects of Aamla bioactive compounds seem to have a relevant limiting effect on the progression of cancer in different cell lines.

*Skin Health: Regular use of Aanwala and the preparations made from Aanwala makes the skin glowing and fresh, as Ayurvedic practitioners say. Vitamin C, A, and K present in the juice of Aanwala work as natural blood purifier and hence regular intake of this and products containing this as main ingredient help in skin glow. Aanwala and its preparations have ability to fight against various skin allergies and infections caused by allergies.

*Hair Health: Intake of Aanwala juice, Avaleha, candy and any of its products, as well as external application of its oil enhance the growth and health of hair. Aanwala oil has potential to stimulate follicles of hair for their better growth. Both the length and density of hair grow rapidly on regular application of this oil. Richness of vitamin C increases collagen level to promote the growth of new hair by replacing dead hair cells on the scalp. Along with growth, this oil also protects hair from dandruff by proper hydration of the scalp. Due to anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of Aanwala, the oil prevents hair from itching and scaling.


Aanwala contains a special compound called gallic acid, which is among powerful Polyphenols and natural immunity booster. The rich phyto-chemical composition of Aanwala can be considered as a relevant source of compounds with potential health benefits. The nature’s gift Indian gooseberry has been awarded with Polyphenols as effective antioxidants and a major property with scientific evidence supporting the direct inhibition of oxidative reactions and the induction of an endogenous antioxidant defense system. Beyond antioxidant activity, seems reasonable to consider with the current level of evidence that Aamla components may have a role as supporting source of active compounds to promote health and increase the protection against the development of diseases. Not only internal health but also for external health i.e. the beauty of the body, Aanwala and its preparations have been serving for thousands of years and yet many tasks are ready to perform.


*Allergic people should be aware of the intake of Aanwala and its products; this may cause some complications and sometimes major complication as excess bleeding.

*Diabetic persons should be careful enough while taking Aanwala and its products because they may cause sudden fall in the blood sugar levels. This is not common but few cases are reported in which drastically drop in blood sugar level has been seen.

*Excess consumption of Aanwala and its products may cause dryness in the skin.

*Consumption of Aanwala and its products should be avoided during coughing and aggravated Kapha problems.

*Aanwala should not be taken during or after surgery, it may increase the risk of bleeding.


  1. What are the health benefits of Aanwala?

Aanwala is a good immunity booster and traditional medicine for many health problems as night-blindness, liver problems, digestive issues, diabetes and blood pressure.

  1. How can Aanwala be consumed?

Aanwala can be consumed as juice, fruit, powder, and various products as candy, Avaleha etc.

  1. Is there any side effect of Aanwala?

No, but excess consumption and intake by an allergic person may cause some bad impacts.

  1. Is Aanwala helpful in weight loss?

Yes, Flavonoids present in Aanwala help regulate lipid metabolism supporting weight management.

  1. Is Aanwala beneficial for skin and hair health?

Yes, Aanwala is very rich in vitamin A, C and K, so it is very beneficial for skin and hair health.

  1. What are the traditional uses of Aanwala?

Aanwala is used traditionally as culinary supplement for making Candy, chutney, murabbah, pickles and halvah. It is also traditional medicine for jaundice, respiratory problems and rejuvenating medicines.



I am Bibhishan Prasad, a retired Mathematics and Science Teacher. My Interest in plants and their origin bring me to write these articles. Here in my blogs, I will share some Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, and More about so many plants which will help you to get huge knowledge about that plants.

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