
Plant products grown with love

Aloe Vera a Soulmate for Healthy Life.



Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis Miller) also known as Gwarpatha and Ghritkumari is a succulent plant found in India and almost all the parts of the world. It is believed that Aloe Vera an evergreen perennial originates from Arabian Peninsula, but grows wild in tropical, semi-tropical and arid climates around the world. It is cultivated for commercial products, mainly as a topical treatment used over centuries. Ayurveda and Yunani streams of medicine identified it’s medicinal values especially anti-wrinkle compounds present in it and prescribed it as anti-aging medicine both as internal and external use. The species is attractive enough for decorative purposes and succeeds indoors as a potted plant. It is used in many consumer products including beverages, skin lotions, cosmetics, ointments or gel for minor burns and sunburns.


Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis Miller) belongs to Liliaceae family and is a shrubby, perennial, xerophytic, succulent, pea-green colour plant. The plant has triangular fleshy leaves with serrated edges, yellow tubular flowers and fruits that contain a number of small black seeds. Leaves of Aloe Vera are composed of three layers, 1. An inner layer gel contains 99% water and rest is made up of glucomannans, amino acids, lipids, sterols and vitamins. 2. The middle layer of latex which is bitter yellow sap and contains anthraquinones and glycosides. 3. The outer thick layer called rind has protective functions and synthesizes carbohydrates and proteins.

Chemical Composition:

Aloe Vera contains 75 potentially active constituents as vitamins, enzymes, minerals, sugars, lignin, saponins, salicylic acids and amino acids.

*Vitamins: It contains vitamin A (beta-carotene), C and E, which are anti-oxidants. It also contains vitamin B12, folic acid and chorine. Anti-oxidants neutralize free radicals.

*Enzymes: Aloe Vera contains 8 enzymes, aliases, alkaline phosphates, amylase, bradykinase, carboxypeptidase, cataloes, cellulose, lipase peroxides. Most of these compounds help to reduce excessive inflammation and rest help in the breakdown of sugar and fats.

*Minerals: It contains minerals of calcium, chromium, copper, selenium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium and zinc. These minerals accelerate the functioning of enzyme systems and few are anti-oxidants also.

*Sugars: Aloe Vera provides monosaccharide (glucose & fructose) and polysaccharides (glucomannans), a glycoprotein. They give Aloe Vera gel anti-allergic property.

*Anthraquinones: Aloe Vera gel provides 12 anthraquinones which are phenol compounds traditionally known as laxatives. These act as analgesic, antibacterial and anti-viral.

*fatty Acids: It provides 4 plant steroids, cholesterol campesterol, beta-sisosterol and lupeol. These compounds have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic properties.

*Hormones: Aloe Vera has hormones like Axons and Gibberellins that help in wound healing.

*Amino acids, Salicylic acids and Lignin: Aloe Vera provides 20 of the 22 human required amino acids, salicylic acids and lignins. They enhance penetrative effect into skin, cleansing antiseptic properties.

Extraordinary Properties:

1.Healing Properties: Topical and oral use of Aloe Vera gel not only increases collagen content of the wound but also changes collagen composition to accelerate wound contraction and synthesis of hyaluronic acid and dermatin sulphate to heal wounds fast.

2.Protection from UV and Gamma Radiations: Aloe Vera gel contains antioxidant protein metallothionein which protects skin from radiations like UV and Gamma Rays.

3.Anti-inflammatory Action: Aloe Vera inhibits the cyclooxygenase pathway and reduces prostaglandin production to act as anti-inflamation.

4.Enhansing Immune System: Alprogen, Histamine and Leukotriene in Aloe Vera gel strengthen immunity of the body.

5.Laxative Effects: Anthraquinones present in the latex increases intestinal water content to stimulate mucus secretion and increases intestinal peristalsis.

6.Antiviral and Antitumor Property: Stimulation of immune system and inactivating various enveloped viruses provide antitumor and antiviral properties in Aloe Vera gel.

7.Moisturizing and Anti-Aging Property: Polysaccharides help in binding moisture in the skin, fibroblast produces collagen and elastic fibers making the skin more elastic and less wrinkled.

8.Antiseptic Property: Antiseptic agents Lupeol, Salicylic acid, Urea, Nitrogen, Cinnamon, Phenol and Sulphur present in it protect from fungi, bacteria and viruses.


Some sensitive individuals may cause redness, burning, stinging sensations and rarely dermatitis. Allergic reactions are mostly due to anthraquinones. It is best to apply into a small area first to test for possible allergic reactions. Oral use may cause abdominal cramps or worsening constipation. Oral use is not recommended during pregnancy and for breastfeeding mothers.


Aloe Vera is a popular medicinal plant with antioxidant and antibacterial properties. It may be useful for reducing belly fat, dental plaque, aging wrinkles, baldness etc. It accelerates wound healing, increases immunity, manages blood sugar and no doubt it is a good cosmetic aid.


1.What is Aloe Vera?

Aloe Vera is a succulent plant widely used for its medicinal and cosmetic properties.

2.What are the benefits of Aloe Vera?

Aloe Vera has variety of benefits including moisturizing and soothing the skin, reducing inflammation, boosting immune system and promoting hair growth.

3.How to use Aloe Vera ?

Aloe Vera can be used topically on the skin and ingested in the form of juice or supplement.

4.Is Aloe Vera safe to use?

Yes, it is quite safe unless you have allergy to  Aloe Vera.

5.Can Aloe Vera be used to treat medical conditions?

Aloe Vera has been used to treat various medical conditions such as diabetes, psoriasis, eczema, etc.

6.How to care for Aloe Vera plant?

Aloe Vera plant should be planted in well drained soil and where full sun light comes.

7.Can Aloe Vera be toxic for pets?

Yes, Aloe Vera may be toxic for some pets such as cats and dogs.



I am Bibhishan Prasad, a retired Mathematics and Science Teacher. My Interest in plants and their origin bring me to write these articles. Here in my blogs, I will share some Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, and More about so many plants which will help you to get huge knowledge about that plants.

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