
Plant products grown with love

Amaltas; a Tree with Golden Shower.

Cassia fistula, known as the golden shower


Amaltas (Cassia fistula), the Golden Rain Tree, is a flowering plant, develops in a big tree in 5-6 years. It is native to Indian subcontinent and state flower of Kerala and Delhi. This is the national tree of Thailand and its flower is national flower of Thailand. Amaltas trees are decorative trees in administrative areas of Delhi and Kerala. Amaltas is widely grown as an ornamental tree in tropical and subtropical areas of Asia. It blooms in late spring in hot dry weather. Flowering is profuse, with trees being covered with golden yellow flowers, many times with almost no visible leaves. It has many names in different languages as ‘Indian laburnum’, ’Puddin pipe tree’, and ‘Purging cassia’, in English; ‘Amaltas’ & ‘Dhanbahera’ in Hindi; ‘Rajabriksha’, ‘Nripdrum’, ‘Hemapushpa’, and ‘ Aaragvadha’ in Sanskrit. Amaltas is a medium size tree grows up to 10 m tall with fast growth rate. The leaves are deciduous, 15 to 50 cm long, and pinnate with three to eight pairs of leaflets, each being 5 to 10 cm long and 3 to 6 cm broad. The flowers are produced in pendulous un-branched, indeterminate fringe 30 to 40 cm long with small golden yellow flowers having five petals each. The fruits are 40 to 50 cm long cylindrical rods with diameter 2 to 3 cm with a pungent odor and containing many seeds. The wood of the tree is red in color and durable enough to be used to construct the structures in museums and cabinets for preserving the findings of archeological surveys.


Due to its ornamental look, Amaltas trees are one of the best ornamental flowering trees fit for town roads, educational institutions like schools and colleges, railway stations, bus terminals, airports, along the banks of rivers and lakes and also for parks and play-grounds. Except its beautiful look the tree has many specific properties in its parts which makes the tree a boon of nature for healthy living. All the parts of Amaltas, the leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, pulp, bark and roots have various properties responsible for treating many health issues common men face in their life. These properties in the parts of the plant are also helpful in pacifying the three energies in the body- the Vata, the Pitta and the Kapha.

*Leaves: The leaves of Amaltas have laxative and astringent properties so oral use of leaves gives relief from constipation and external use maintains the complexion and the shining of the skin.

*Flowers: Flowers of Amaltas have laxative, astringent and wound healing properties. Fresh petals of the flowers can be chewed to get rid of intestinal problems and paste of flowers applied externally to the face as cosmetics and also to the wounds by mixing the paste with coconut oil.

*Fruits: The fruit pulp contains laxative properties so it is a solution of intestinal issues; it has antipyretic properties which gives relief in fever and having analgesic properties it is pain relieving solution for all types of pain.

*Seeds: Seeds of Amaltas have laxative properties, carminative properties (solution of gastrointestinal problems), and also antipyretic properties.

*Pulp: The pulp of Amaltas may function as very safe laxative even for children and pregnant women. It has also antimicrobial properties to prevent from bacterial and fungal infections.

*Bark: The bark of Amaltas has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties due to which it is good anti aging supplement and very quick reliever of inflammation caused by infections and muscular damages.


Amaltas tree is very useful tree for environment, human beings, and cattle and also for animal jackals which feed on the fruit pulp and help in the dispersal of seeds. The uses of Amaltas can be divided into four parts: (i) as a food supplement, (ii) medicinal uses, (iii) cosmetic uses and (iv) cultural use.

*Food Supplement: The young leaves and flower buds of Amaltas are used to cook in the form of a stew and consumed by tribal populations in Jharkhand, Bengal, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. Some famous restaurants of Mumbai and Chennai serve the soup of the tender leaves of Amaltas. The pulp of the fruit of the plant is used as a spice and added to enhance the taste of various cuisines in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Sri Lanka.

*Medicinal Uses: Ayurveda has named the tree Amaltas as “Sarva-Roga-Parashamani”, which means the cure of all types of diseases and shields the body against numerous microbial infections. All the parts of the plant, leaves, flowers, fruit pulp, seeds, bark and roots have many health benefits like common cold, constipation, intestinal disorders, skin disorders, inflations, diabetes etc. The abundance of bioactive ingredients and strong purgative, carminative, anti-pyritic and anti-inflammatory properties offer relief from many health conditions like cardiac disruption, dyspepsia, flatulence and boosts immunity.

*Cosmetic Uses: Paste of newly born leaves and flower petals are very good nurtures for skin care. Pulp of fruit is very effective treatment for dark circles and pimples. External uses of the pastes of leaves and flowers keep the skin young and shiny and also prevents from UV rays and sun-burn. The vibrant hanging flowers of Amaltas are not only used for ornamental purpose but also the aroma of the flowers is used widely to produce perfumes and cosmetic creams.

*Cultural Uses: The bright golden yellow flowers are considered sacred in the Hindu culture and are often used for worshipping Lord Vishnu in several regions in the country. Being the state flower of Kerala, Amaltas flowers are respected by the people of Kerala and also used to decorate the houses during festivals. The flowers of Amaltas have ritual importance in preparation of Kani during the Vishu festival of Kerala. Amaltas is the national flower of Thailand so the flowers of the tree are important parts of any national events in Thailand. The red wood of the tree Amaltas are used in various rituals performed by Buddhists.

Chemical Composition:

Amaltas is widely used in conventional medicines both by Ayurvedic practitioners and by the rural Vaidyas for providing relief against various health issues. The plant possesses diverse pharmacological characteristics including antitussive, hepatoprotective, anti-pyretic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-itching, anti-epileptic, anti-fertility, and wound healing properties. The plant is awarded with many vital chemicals like tannins, glycosides, flavonoids, various edible acids and esters, many protein derivatives and carbohydrate derivatives useful in many health issues. The fruit pulp of Amaltas contains carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamins, its pods contain astringent matters, fistulic acid, gluten matters, its seeds are rich in various esters like vernolic oil and the flowers are good sources of auratiamide, ceryl alcohol, kaempferol, anthraquinones and glycosides.

Medicinal Uses:

*Digestive Problems: Preparations made from all five parts of the plant Amaltas is very effective solution for issues related to digestion. The anti-flatulent property of the roots reduces the formation of gas in alimentary canal to reduce bloating, flatulence, and abdominal digestion. The laxative components present in the extracts prepared from the Panchang of the plant make it a powerful remedy of constipation and other digestive issues. The potent anti-inflammatory and purgative properties of Amaltas help to suppress toxic bacteria and also prevent it from growing in the gut. Owing to its strong laxative nature, this effectively prevents constipation, piles, by softening the stool and facilitating smooth passage through the body. It also prevents the fluid from drying up in the colon and averts abdominal pain, abdominal distension and colic etc. The pulp of Amaltas fruits when taken regularly helps to relieve constipation, indigestion, gas trouble, intestinal worms and helps in strengthening of the intestines. Regular use of the raw leaves, flowers, pods, fruits, bark and roots as well as preparations of these parts of the plant may prevent the possibilities of indigestion, ulcer and gastritis.

*Liver Disorders: Adored with active hepatoprotective and hepatostimulative properties, Amaltas has been proved to be a magical remedy for most of the liver anomalies, jaundice, and liver infections. This herb regulates the functioning of liver by promoting the excretion of bile juice and liver enzymes to tune the normal function level. It can detoxify and clean the liver and improve the functioning of liver.

*Immunity: Panchang of Amaltas in fresh raw form or the preparations made from different parts, both are very good immunity booster. Antioxidants and ascorbic acid present in the plant make it the remedy for lots of health problems due to weak immunity. The extracts of Amaltas are extremely effective in reducing general debility, weakness, fatigue, laziness and improving the level of vitality of the body. The preparations of Amaltas improve the immune system and become a shield against microbial infections. Anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties of Amaltas are very effective against microbial infections causing common cold, certain types of fever, throat and lungs infections and other respiratory anomalies.

*Respiratory Problems: Blessed with powerful anti-biotic and anti-asthmatic properties, Amaltas is a good traditional remedy for all sorts of respiratory problems. It is very common treatment for cough and cold, sore throat, allergic cough and flu symptoms. Being a Kapha pacifier, it actively thins and loosens rheum deposits within the chest and nasal cavities and hence eases breathing and helps the body to get rid of mucus problems. Various preparations are suggested to asthma patients and patients of bronchitis to get quick relief.

*Diabetes: Consumption of Amaltas decoctions or Ayurvedic preparations or extracts re-activates the pancreatic cells for excretion of insulin to a normal level. Amaltas confers strong hypoglycemic property which plays an essential role in pacifying the blood sugar level of the body. Regular use of tender leaves and buds of flowers of Amaltas helps to maintain the pancreatic health and regulate the blood sugar level. It also helps to reduce the breakdown of starch into glucose which in turn leads to low blood glucose levels in the body and maintains a balanced diabetic conditions.

*Urinary Issues: Amaltas root powder/stem bark soaked in water whole night and filtered water suggested drinking in morning to get rid of many problems related to urination. Amaltas is a potent herbal remedy for treatment of various urinary disorders like urinary incontinence, painful urination, burning sensation during urination and deep yellow urination with lots of resistance. Amaltas extracts not only reduces the pain and burning maturation but also stimulates proper and smooth urination. Being a mild diuretic, it is capable of treating dysuria (difficult urination). Carrying anti-microbial and anti bacterial properties Amaltas holds high significance in preventing urinary infections caused by microbes.

*Wounds/Ulcers: Various bio-chemical compounds present in the leaves, flowers, pods, fruit-pulp and bark of Amaltas has been used for a long time as a good treatment against infections in wounds and quick healing of wounds. Amaltas possesses strong antibiotic and antiseptic properties which is responsible for quick clotting in cuts and stops bleeding immediately. It is also effective in reducing general debility, weakness, fatigue and improving vitality of the body. Anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer properties of the herbal preparations of Amaltas hold high significance in treating different types of ulcers and ulcerative colitis. The bioactive compounds in the plant promote tissue regeneration and the juice extracted from leaves and flowers can be used as antiseptic for dressing wounds.

*Skin Care: Adored with antioxidant properties, Amaltas is a blessing to achieve spotless radiant skin. The preparations of the herb used orally and externally help in protecting the skin from oxidative radical damage due to harmful UV rays, pollutants present in air and also radioactive radiations. Regular use of extracts and preparations of the panchang reduces the risk of various aging signs, wrinkles, spots, fine lines, dark circles and seasonal effects on the face skin etc. Being a potent anti-inflammatory herb, it has capacity to reduce allergic conditions like acne, pimples, zits and erysipelas. Several preparations are suggested by the dermatologists to treat the various skin conditions caused by climatic conditions, microbial infections, chemicals and germs.


Many Ayurvedic pharmaceutical companies have their products of Amaltas in the market as capsules, tablets, powders and syrups and their dosage are mentioned on them but for them who use the leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, barks, roots as powders made by themselves and decoctions etc need to know perfect dosage for them. The effective therapeutic dosage of Amaltas may vary from person to person depending upon the age, body stamina, their appetite, their health issues and severity of the diseases, and over all the requirement of the person. Ayurvedic practitioners are the best person to suggest the dosage according to health issues and the suffering person, but for protective and preventive measures the dosage should be as follows:

Leaf fresh/green – 2 to 3 leaves chewed once in the morning,

Leaf dry/powdered – 1 tea spoon with warm water,

Flowers fresh – 3 to 5 buds chewed once in the morning,

Flowers dry/powdered – 5 to 10 gm with warm water,

Fruit pulp – 5 to 10 gm twice a day,

Cold infusion of bark – 100 to 150 ml once in the morning,

Decoction of bark/roots – 100 to 120 ml once in the morning,


Excess of everything is bad, this is a proverb but this proverb is a warning for raw users of Amaltas plant and its parts like leaves, flowers, pods, fruits, bark and roots etc. Excess use of Amaltas plant and its parts may cause some complications like nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, and dysentery. The herb is not fit for children and pregnant women.


  1. Is Amaltas edible?

Yes, the pulp of the ripe fruits is eaten for many issues related to abdomen.

  1. Is Amaltas good for diabetic person?

Yes, Amaltas has potential to regulate the functioning of pancreas to benefit diabetic person.

  1. How does Amaltas help in chronic cough?

Antitussive property of Amaltas suppresses the reason behind the cough and gives relief.

  1. How does Amaltas boost immunity?

Due to its immune-modulator activity Amaltas boosts immunity.

  1. Does Amaltas help in weight loss?

Amaltas can improve metabolic activities, so it can be helpful in weight loss.

  1. Can Amaltas control bad cholesterol?

Yes, some preparations of Amaltas can control the formation of bad cholesterol.

  1. From where one can get Amaltas powder?

Ayurvedic medical stores and Ayurvedic practitioners keep it.





I am Bibhishan Prasad, a retired Mathematics and Science Teacher. My Interest in plants and their origin bring me to write these articles. Here in my blogs, I will share some Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, and More about so many plants which will help you to get huge knowledge about that plants.

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