Apamarg (Achyranthes aspera) is a tropical weed, i e a wild plant found everywhere in neglected lands, roadside, demarcation of farming fields and forests. Apamarg is a perennial herb with woody base about 1 meter in height. Stems are angular, simple and ribbed with tinged purple color. Leaves are ovate finely attached to stem on both sides. Flowers are greenish white in color and seeds are reddish brown in color sub-cylindrical at apex and rounded at base. It is known as ‘Prickly chaff flower’ in English, ‘Apamarg’, ‘Kinihi’, ‘Kharmanjari’, ‘Durgraha’, and ‘Shikhari’ in Sanskrit, ‘Chirchita’, ‘Chirchiri’ and ‘Latjeera’ in Hindi and ‘Aapang’ in Bengali. Ayurveda gives significant importance to this herbaceous plant as reformer of health and protector of life.
Apamarg is a wild perennial erect herb having herbaceous stem with many branches full of ovate leaves and a spike with reflex flowers arranged on long peduncle. Apamarg is a notorious plant because its spores catch clothes and are difficult to remove because of the sharp spicules. These spores are actually the fruit part of the plant which grows to cover the whole of the plant stalk from outside acting as a shield of protection for it. It is considered to be a very effective herb for detoxification of the body both internally and externally. There are two types of Apamarg 1.White Apamarg- Achyranthes aspera and 2.Red Apamarg- Puppalia lappaceae. Both the types have almost same properties except the color of the plant.
Ayurvedic View:
Charak Sanhita, Sushrut Sanhita, Bhava Prakash, Dhanvantri Nighantu and Bhaishaj Ratnavali are prominent Ayurvedic books which describe the properties of Apamarg as a magical herb which is being used by traditional medical practitioners of Ayurveda, Yunani and Siddha for thousands of years in India and many other countries. Ayurveda describes Apamarg as ‘Kaphanashana’ means effective treatment of cough and cold, ‘Virechna’ means a detoxifying agent which expels dirt from inner body to clean from inside, ‘Krimighna’ means it can kill intestinal microbes and parasites to protect body from worm infections, ‘Vamana’ means helpful in treating vomiting and nausea, ‘Arshoghna’ means benefits the problem of piles and constipation, ‘Deepana’ means stimulates digestive fire, ‘Pachana’ means increases digestion strength, ‘Dadruhara’ means detoxifies blood, ‘Kanduhara’ means improves skin condition preventing itching, ‘Hridya’ means improves cardiac conditions preventing cholesterol deposition in blood vessels, ‘Apchihara’ means protects women from glandular growth and fibroids, ‘Ahdmanhara’ means releases bloating and distention of stomach.
Medicinal Use:
Though all five parts of Apamarg are used as medicines for many health issues but roots and seeds of Apamarg are used as medicine in its original form as well as in preparing many medicines as a main ingredient of the medicine. Decoction of ‘panchang’, i e all five parts of the plant root, stem, leaves, flowers and fruits is considered to be a good health tonic for all, whether ill or healthy, men or women, young or old. Some of the health conditions and their treatment by Apamarg plant or its parts are:
*Migraine: Migraine can be cured by smelling the powder of the seeds of Apamarg. Seeds of Apamarg are powdered finely; powder is kept in a fine clean cotton cloth or handkerchief and suggested to smell while inhaling many times a day. It dilutes the cough deposited inside the skull and releases through the nostrils. This practice relieves the migraine pain instantly and cures the problem in a month.
*Dental Pain: Juice of two or three leaves of Apamarg applied on the affected area of teeth and gums gives relief in dental pain. Cleaning teeth with tooth brush of fresh roots of Apamarg is remedy of all the problems related to the teeth and gums.
*Deafness/Ear-Problems: Powder of roots of Apamarg is boiled in sesame oil and filtered by cotton cloth. Two or three drops of the extract is poured in affected ear twice a day to cure the problems of ears.
*Eye Problems: Finely powdered roots of Apamarg mixed with honey and applied to the lower eye lid as kohl in night before going to bed gives relief in many eye related problems.
*Cough: Well cleaned roots of Apamarg is dried completely and powdered finely with black pepper in the ratio 4:1 by weight. The mixture is taken with honey to get relief from all types of cough problems.
*Asthma: Tablets of 3 gm each are made by the mixture of root powder of Apamarg, black pepper and sonth (dry ginger) in the ratio 4:2:1 and taken with warm water twice daily to cure asthma.
*Mouth Ulcer: Gargle with decoction of Apamarg leaves gives instant relief in mouth blister.
*Incineration: The problem of excess hunger can be treated by the powder of Apamarg seeds taking 3 gm powder with water twice daily for two weeks cures the problem.
*Skin Problems: Pimples and lumps can be cured by applying the paste of leaves of Apamarg over affected portion, while the severe problems like eczema can be cured by applying the paste of Panchang of Apamarg after cleaning the affected portion with warm water.
*Injury: Injury caused by cuts and burns can be treated by the paste of fresh leaves of Apamarg and muscular injury by the cooked root powder in sesame oil.
*Itching: Itching caused by allergies can be cured by taking a bath with decoction of Panchang mixed with warm water.
*Menstrual Disorder: Juice of Panchang of Apamarg with equal amount of sugar candy during the menstrual period regulates the issue.
*Infertility in Women: 10 gm of root powder with 125 ml of cow milk suggested to take during the menstrual period helps to conceive.
*Neoplasm: Regular use of 5 gm root powder of Apamarg with warm milk in empty stomach daily for two or three months gives complete relief from the problem of uterus.
*Leucorrhoea: Equal amount of Apamarg panchang juice and sugar candy taking regularly cures the problem of leucorrhoea.
Chemical Composition:
Experiments and researches conducted over the extracts of Apamarg disclosed the presence of many minerals and complex compounds of medicinal importance. Roots extract of the herb contains minerals like Potassium, Calcium, Lead and iron. Extracts of different parts of the herb, mainly roots and leaves contains Saponins which is a complex compound containing many important organic compounds being used in the production of many herbal and allopathic medicines.
Hindu Rituals:
Apamarg is no doubt a herb of medicinal importance according to Ayurveda and other traditional medical practices, but one more important aspect of significance of Apamarg in Hindu rituals cannot be ignored.
As a Sacred Plant: Apamarg is considered a sacred plant in Hinduism and is often used in various religious ceremonies and rituals. It is believed to have purifying properties and is used to drive many negative energies and evil spirits. One of the important rituals performed during the marriage of daughters is ‘Offering Yoga’, just before the welcoming of the Barat of the Groom. The roots of Apamarg is collected and tied to the corner of the garment of the Bride, this is being done to save the bride from evil forces.
In Lord Shiva Worship: In the worship of Lord Shiva, Apamarg is considered a favorite plant of the deity. The plant is used in the form of a garland, which is offered to Lord Shiva as a symbol of devotion. Women use seven leaves of Apamarg keeping on their heads during bath in a vrata called Maghe–Sate.
In Tantric Rituals: Apamarg is used in various tantric rituals where it is believed to possess the power to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck and prosperity.
Apamarg is identified by Ayurveda and various other traditional medicine systems as a valuable medicinal plant that has many health benefits. It is used to treat a wide range of health conditions including digestive disorders, cough and cold, fever, respiratory problems and skin diseases. Apamarg holds great importance in Hindu rituals and is revered for its spiritual and medicinal properties.
- What is Apamarg?
Apamarg is a herb found everywhere in tropical and subtropical regions.
- What are the medicinal properties of Apamarg?
Apamarg has many medicinal properties such as anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, antioxidant etc.
- How is Apamarg used in Ayurveda?
Apamarg is used in Ayurveda as decoction, powder, paste, tablets, capsules and syrup.
- Can Apamarg be consumed orally?
Yes, Apamarg can be consumes orally as decoction, powder and tablets.
- What is the significance of Apamarg in Hinduism?
Apamarg is believed to be a sacred plant and being used in various religious rituals to drive evil forces away.