
Plant products grown with love

Aparajita the Blue-bell-vine


Aparajita (Clitoria ternatea) is a plant having holy flower used in puja-rituals, a Vastu-friendly plant which invites happiness and prosperity, a show plant decorative for arched gates and walls and a medicinal plant for Ayurvedic practitioners and traditional Vaidyas. It has many names such as Asian Pigeon Wings, Blue Bell Vine, Blue Pea, Butterfly Pea, Cordofan Pea, Darwin Pea, Girikarnika, Vishnukrantha, Shankhpushpi and Aparajita.


Aparajita is a perennial herbaceous plant grows as a vine or creeper. The plant has slender stem as vines so it is a climber. Its roots are branched and have legumes so good for nitrogen fixation in soil. The leaves of the plant are compound and imparipinnate. Inflorescence in the plant is axillary cymose.  The color of its flower makes it an ornamental plant. Mostly the plants of Aparajita bear blue flowers but some varieties of this plant yield white flowers and some pink also. Fruits of the plant are like pods of peas having small black seeds. Aparajita is one of the most potent herbs used for various treatment purposes. The name Aparajita itself means that the plant is capable of curing many diseases and cannot be defeated by any of the diseases. It is considered to be a sacred plant related to Lord Vishnu as Hindu mythology describes.


Scientists say that the plant Aparajita is a leguminous plant native to equatorial region of South Asia and spread all over world as ornamental plant. The plant grows as a vine and climber in any soil lest it should be moist enough. The most striking feature of the plant Aparajita is the color of the flowers, vivid deep blue, and solitary with light yellow markings. Ayurveda describes Aparajita as pungent in taste, light to digest, promotes intelligence, cold in potency etc. According to Ayurveda, Siddha, Yunani and other traditional medical system, Aparajita has potential to cure many health issues like skin diseases, oedema, wounds and poisoning etc. Vastu Shastra says the plant Aparajita on the gate or entrance of a house brings happiness and prosperity. The plant in the north east corner of courtyard brings positivity and removes negative energy from home. Best time to plant Aparajita seeds is March and April. Seeds germinate in 7-10 days and develop into saplings in 15-20 days. The plant gives flowers in 60-70 days.


*Culinary Use: Aparajita flowers are used in South Asian countries and some regions in Australia as a food supplement. The flower is used as a natural food coloring to color glutinous rice and deserts like the Eurasian putugal. The flowers of Aparajita are used as an important ingredient in a traditional food ‘nasi kerabu’ in Malaysia. Some of the cuisines in Burma (Myanmar) and Thailand are being prepared using the flowers of Aparajita. Tea made by mixing the dry petals of Aparajita flower and dry lemon grass is very popular in South-East Asia with the name ‘Butterfly pea flower tea’. Most of the restaurants in Thailand and Vietnam serve a pink purple color drink to the guests made of Butterfly pea flower tea, honey and lemon juice.

*Medicinal Use: Ayurveda explains the medicinal values of Aparajita as follows:

Medhya means having property to promote intelligence,

Shoolahara means having property to give relief in pain,

Shothahara means having property to relieve swelling,

Swashara means gives relief in respiratory problems,

Jwaraghna means medicine of fever,

Krimighna means removes intestinal worms and microbes,

Deepana means increases digestive fire,

Pachana means helps in digestion,

Vishahara means useful in poisoning.

Many studies and experiments conducted on seeds and roots of Aparajita disclosed the various medicinal values filled in the extracts of the plant such as Therapeutic properties, Laxative properties, ophthalmic properties etc. Most of the traditional medicine systems suggest Aparajita as promoter of intellect, it can enhance memory, and being anti-stress it can reduce stress of mind and prevents from depression. The seeds and roots of the plant have tranquilizing and sedative properties reducing the dangers of hypertension. The extracts of the plant possess a wide range of Pharmacological activities including antimicrobial, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic, anesthetic, anti-diabetic, insecticidal, blood platelet aggregation-inhibiting and for use as vascular smooth muscle relaxing properties.

Cosmetic Use: Aparajita plant has many plant compounds present in its flowers and seeds which are useful in health care of skin and hair. Polyphenols and Tannins present in Aparajita are good antioxidants which stimulate the production of collagen and elastin to give skin glow and fairness. Aparajita flowers have anti-glycation properties which slow down the aging signs in skin. Presence of bioflavonoid and anthocyanin stimulate and regulate the flow of blood in scalp strengthening hair follicles promoting hair growth and naturally darkening of hair.

Other uses: Flowers of Aparajita are used by some tribes in Gujarat and Rajasthan as natural dye for fabrics. Some tribes in South Asian countries and East Asian countries also use the flowers of the plant as dyes for fabrics, earthen pots and toys.

Home Remedies:

*In Swelling: Warm paste of the seeds and roots of Aparajita applied over the swelling gives immediate relief.

*Muscular & Joint Pain: Decoction made from all five parts of the plant Aparajita is effective in pain caused by any accidental damage or arthritis pain.

*Goiter: Paste of roots of Aparajita gives relief in Goiter.

* In Oedema: Paste of roots of Aparajita is applied for alleviating Oedema.

*In Fever: Decoction of all five parts of the plant can help curing fever.

*In Memory Related Problems: Daily intake of Aparajita seeds and roots powder 3 to 5 grams twice, gives relief from all issues of memory and mental tension.


Aparajita is a plant of hundreds of merits from beautifying our homes to beautifying our body, protecting our homes from negativity to making a shield for our body against diseases, providing cool environment in our houses and also calm to our mind. Aparajita is a beautiful plant having wonderful properties.


  1. What is Aparajita?

Aparajita is a vine plant having beautiful flowers of deep blue color.

  1. What are uses of Aparajita plant?

Aparajita plant is a show plant having medicinal uses and also culinary uses.

  1. How to grow Aparajita plant?

Aparajita plant can be grown from seeds as well as from stem cuttings.

  1. What are the health benefits of Aparajita?

Aparajita Plant has many health benefits like boosting brain functions, reducing tension, improving digestion etc.

  1. Can Aparajita be consumed?

Yes, its flowers are used in herbal tea, decoction of panchang are taken to boost immunity.

  1. Is Aparajita safe to use?

Yes Aparajita is quite safe to use but excess of everything is bad.







I am Bibhishan Prasad, a retired Mathematics and Science Teacher. My Interest in plants and their origin bring me to write these articles. Here in my blogs, I will share some Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, and More about so many plants which will help you to get huge knowledge about that plants.

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