
Plant products grown with love

Basils and their types, benefits and origin


What is basil?

Basil is an herb, widely used as medicinal plant in India and an ingredient of food in Europe and USA. Holy basil is known as Tulsi in India. According to Vishnu Puran Tulsi is a holy herb, an important part of all the religious activities like Puja, Yagyna etc. As mentioned in Ayurveda, Tulsi is an herb used in so many Ayurvedic medicines. Leaves and flowers of holy basil ie. Tulsi is considered to be greatest immunity booster. During Corona period it has saved thousands of lives in India and other countries.

What is Holy basil?

Holy basil is one of the two types of basils widely found in India. Tulsi, the holy basil is associated with Indian culture as an important part of life style especially for Hindus. Each and every Hindu family likes to have a tulsi plant in the courtyard of their home. It is respected in Indian family as gods/goddess. Leaves of holy basil are essential part of each and every religious and cultural activity in Hindu families. Hindus use the leaves of tulsi as a power tool to keep the edibles sacred during the solar and lunar eclipses. Aayush/ Ayurvedic branch of medical science performed many researches over the leaves and flowers of tulsi and found that it is an amazing plant filled with so many properties useful for healthy living.


Uses of basil can be divided into two types:

  • Medicinal use
  • Cultural/Religious use.

 Medicinal use: After so many experiments and researches it is found that Tulsi plant releases lots of oxygen during photosynthesis so it is natural air purifier. This is why most of the Hindu family likes to have it in their courtyard/ balcony. From normal cough & cold to dangerous Corona & H3N2, tulsi is one of the most effective medicines, this is established fact.

Cultural/Religious use: Tulsi is an important part of our culture and religious activities. No any worship or religious activities can be performed without tulsi. According to Hindu mythology no any offering can be done without tulsi.


Nature has gifted us many useful herbs, Tulsi/ Basil is one of the best gifts offered by nature. It costs nothing but benefits many things. It is natural air purifier; it keeps our lungs healthy and efficient. The leaves and flowers of basil are immunity booster in raw state as well as boiled with water. Regular use of leaves of tulsi keeps our respiratory system and blood circulatory system healthy and smooth. It has benefited thousands of survivors during corona periods and now giving benefits these days hundreds of people suffering from H3N2.

Type of Basil

There are fifteen classified varieties of basils in nature known yet, found in different parts of the world.

  1. Holy Basil: It is most abundant variety found in India, it is commonly known as Almost all the Hindu families are familiar with it, they keep it in their courtyard and garden.
  2. Sweet Basil: It is a variety of basil grown in garden for the purpose of grocery. It is also used as mosquito repellent due to its strong smell.
  3. Genovese Basil: This variety of basil is grown in European countries and used as salad in grilled form.
  4. Thai Sweet Basil: East Asian countries grow it to make their dishes tasty by garnishing with its leaves.
  5. Purple Basil: This variety is similar to Indian Holy Basil in looks but quite different in taste and smell, it is grown in Europe and north Asian countries. It is used in food items as salad and also used by pharmacy industries to make lotions.
  6. Lemon Basil: This basil leaves smell and taste like lemon so it is used as making tea-bags.
  7. Lime Basil: This variety of basil has thick leaves containing citrus juice. It is used to make souses and candy.
  8. Lettuce Basil: This is garden variety of basil grown in East Asian countries mainly for grocery purpose.
  9. Green Ruffles Basil: This is also a garden variety of basil grown in some European countries. It is widely used as making pasta dishes tasty.
  10. Cinnamon Basil: This variety of basil is mainly grown in south India as garden beauty, due to its purple flowers and strong clove fragrance.
  11. African Blue Basil: As it’s name it is of African origin. Its blue leaves and shiny appearance make the garden beautiful. African people like to use it’s leaves as vegetables.
  12. Cardinal Basil: This variety of basil is used in European countries to decorate garden due to its red shiny flowers.
  13. Greek Basil: It is Greek variety of basil widely used in African and European countries as food items, mainly as salad in raw form and as spices in dry form.
  14. Spicy Globe Basil: It is dwarf variety of basil used as salads and making pasta in European countries.
  15. Summerlong Basil: It is a variety of basil having very dense branches and leaves, so it is used as garden beauty.


In conclusion, basil leaves are a great way to add flavor to any dish and can be used in a variety of ways. They are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can help support your health. They are also a great source of fiber, which can help to keep you feeling full and satisfied. Furthermore, they contain nutrients low in calories and can be added to many dishes to boost their nutritional content. All in all, basil leaves are a great addition to any diet. Basil herbs are not only a boon for our healthy life but also beauty for our life style.

The benefits of basil leaves in India are numerous, making it an incredibly useful plant for many aspects of life. Not only this but it’s also a great source of nutrition, with its many vitamins and minerals. Basil leaves can be used fresh or dried for cooking, and it’s also a powerful medicinal herb with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s no wonder then that basil is so popular in Indian cuisine. There are certainly many reasons to make sure to keep some basil leaves around!


Is basil and Tulsi same?

No, basil and Tulsi are not the same. Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is an herb and Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum) is a sacred plant in the Hindu religion.

What is basil used for?

Basil is widely used in cooking and is a popular herb in Italian and Thai dishes. It has a strong, sweet aroma and flavor and is used to season dishes like pesto, sauces, soups, salads, and stir-fries. Basil is also used for medicinal purposes and is believed to have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties.

Is basil same as Pudina?

No, basil and pudina are two different herbs. Basil is an aromatic herb with a strong, sweet, and slightly peppery flavor, while pudina is an herb with a mild, distinct flavor and aroma.

What is the common name of basil?

The common name of basil is sweet basil.

Can tulsi replace basil?

No, tulsi and basil are two different herbs and cannot be substituted for one another.

Is basil leaves available in India?

Yes, basil leaves are widely available in India. They are commonly used in a variety of dishes, such as curries, soups, salads, and more. Basil leaves can be found fresh in most Indian markets, as well as dried in some stores. They are also available online.

What is an Indian substitute for basil?

Indian basil, also known as tulsi or holy basil is a popular substitute for the Mediterranean basil commonly used in Italian cooking. Indian basil has a more peppery, slightly minty flavor.

Is basil used in Indian cooking?

Yes, basil is commonly used in Indian cooking. It is one of the most popular herbs in Indian cuisine, used in a variety of dishes including curries, stews, sauces, and even drinks.

What is the English name for tulsi?

The English name for tulsi is holy basil.

What is the English word for tulsi?

Tulsi is an English word that refers to a sacred plant in Hinduism, also known as Holy Basil.

What is benefit of basil leaf?

Basil leaves are packed with antioxidants and provide a variety of health benefits. These include reducing inflammation, aiding digestion, reducing bloating, helping to fight infections, improving heart health, and even protecting the skin. Basil also has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, making it a great addition to your diet.

Is basil good to eat?

Yes, basil is safe to eat. It is a popular herb used in many dishes and is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Can you eat basil leaves?

Yes, basil leaves are edible. They can be eaten raw or cooked in dishes.


I am Bibhishan Prasad, a retired Mathematics and Science Teacher. My Interest in plants and their origin bring me to write these articles. Here in my blogs, I will share some Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, and More about so many plants which will help you to get huge knowledge about that plants.

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