
Plant products grown with love

Punarnava The Reviver.

Introduction: Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) is a flowering plant of Nyctaginaceae family found everywhere like grasses. The meaning of its name ‘Punarnava’ tells its properties, Punarnava means...

Ginger the Treasure of Qualities.

Introduction: Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) is a flowering plant whose underground stem (rhizome) is widely used as a spice and a folk medicine. It is well known as Adrak, Adrakh, Aadi, Aadu etc. in...

Vidhara The Elephant Creeper.

Introduction: Vidhara (Argyreia Nervosa) also known as Ghav Bel , Adhoguda, Elephant Creeper, Hawaiian baby wood rose, wooly morning glory and Samudrasokha, is a perennial climbing/ creeping vine. It...

Aloe Vera a Soulmate for Healthy Life.

Introduction: Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis Miller) also known as Gwarpatha and Ghritkumari is a succulent plant found in India and almost all the parts of the world. It is believed that Aloe Vera an...
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