
Plant products grown with love

Chirata a Bitter Friend



Chirata (Swertia Chirayita) is a bitter herb being used traditionally by common men in India for all types of fever and all types of skin diseases. Ayurvedic practitioners suggest the use of this herb also for liver disorders and diabetes. It is found in hilly areas and plateau regions of India and also in Tibet and Nepal. Tribal population of Jharkhand, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh and Orissa use this herb not only for the treatment of malaria but also for snake bite and remedy from bite of other poisonous insects. This herb does not require cultivation, it grows naturally by spreading it’s seeds over the land in surroundings. Chirata is an annual, erect plant having a height 40cm. to 120cm. It consists a long erect stem with opposite branches full of dark green leaves. During rains Chirata seeds germinate and grow to a plant till winter. The plant bears small yellow flowers during spring and also white, green, pink hair like sharp pointed fruits in early summer.

Chemical Composition:

Chirata is awarded with so many nutritional compounds that contributes to its medicinal value. The compounds include Xanthenes’, Alkaloids, Glycosides, Ophelic acid, Chiratin, Steric acid, Oleic acid, Palmitic acid, Swertanone, Amarogenin and Chiratol. These compounds present in the herb add so many nutritional values in it.


Presence of many nutritional compounds in Chirata provides it lots of properties due to which Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha medicine use it to cure various health issues. Some of the important properties are:

*Liver protecting property,

*Blood sugar maintaining property,

*Wound healing property,

*Anemia curing property,

*Immune boosting property,

*Blood pressure controlling property,

*Appetite correction property,

*Restoring shortness of breath, etc.


Chirata is a herb with high potential value that may helpful in several illness or health issues as

# For Digestion– Chirata is considered to be helpful in various problems related to the digestive system like Gastritis, Indigestion, Hyper-acidity, Stomach pain and constipation.

# For Fever– Chirata is traditionally a good medicine for normal fever and malaria.

# For Skin problems– Being a good blood purifier, the boiled Chirata juice is used to cure different skin problems. Paste of Chirata leaves is used to treat eczema, acne, skin rashes, skin burns, dryness and itching in skin.

# For Parasites– Having anti-parasitic properties Chirata helps eliminating parasitic worms like roundworms, flukes and tapeworms. Chirata also helps to get relief from worm infections like diarrhea and fatty liver.

# For Stress like Nervous System issues- Chirata produces a metabolite called Swertiamartin which is used in the treatment of acute stress and anxiety.

# For Diabetes– Chirata stimulates release of insulin and increases the uptake of glucose by muscle cells, lowers blood sugar level.

Different Ways to Use Chirata:

Generally decoction (concentrated liquor) is used for almost all the health issues curable by Chirata but these days it is also available as ‘Chirata powder’, Chirata tablets and also Chirata capsules.

Side Effects of Using Chirata:

No major side effects are observed so far, but it is suggested to consult a practitioner before taking a dose of Chirata. Some of the Ayurvedic practitioners warn against the use of Chirata to 1. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, 2. Patients of intestinal ulcer, 3. Two weeks before a scheduled surgery.


Though Chirata has very bitter taste but at the same time it has a large number of chemicals having very high and rich nutritional and medical values. It is easily available herb used for treating large number of health issues.


Does Chirata prevent Gastrointestinal problems?

Yes, Chirata readily lowers acid production in stomach and prevent gastrointestinal problems.

Can Chirata increase appetite?

Yes, Chirata stimulates digestive fire.

Can Chirata help treat anemia?

Anti-toxic essence of Chirata purifies the blood and helps in anemia.

Does Chirata be remedy for contagions?

Anti inflammatory compounds present in Chirata help fighting contagions.

Can Chirata speed up wound healing?

Yes, the topical application of Chirata paste may speed up healing wounds.

Does Chirata help treat pimples?

Yes, the paste of green leaves applied over affected portion treat it.


I am Bibhishan Prasad, a retired Mathematics and Science Teacher. My Interest in plants and their origin bring me to write these articles. Here in my blogs, I will share some Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, and More about so many plants which will help you to get huge knowledge about that plants.

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