
Plant products grown with love

Gokhru / Gokshura a Vital Herb.



Gokhru/Gokshura (Tribulus Terrestris) is an annual plant in the caltrop family, widely distributed around the world. It is native to warm temperate and tropical regions in South Asia and Africa, but unintentionally introduced to other parts of the world. From farmer point of view Gokhru is a noxious weed, harmful weed or injurious weed not only injurious to agricultural crops but also for bare footed farmers and their cattle. Because of its small woody fruit, the bur having long sharp and strong spines which easily penetrate surfaces, such as bare feet or thin shoes of workers and other pedestrians, the rubber of bicycle tires and the mouth and skin of grazing animals. From Ayurveda point of view, Gokhru is a medicinal herb most commonly known for its immunity boosting, aphrodisiac, and rejuvenation properties. According to Ayurveda, properties of Gokhru are described as:- “Gokshurah shitalah swaduh balkrita bastishodhanah, madhuro deepno vrishyah hristidach ashmariharah pramehshwashkashartha, krichchha hridrogvatanuta.” This Sanskrit shlok has been taken from ‘Bhavaprakash’, it describes the properties of Gokhru as it is cold in potency, sweet in taste, it is strength provider to the body, it balances the Tridoshas (Vata-Pitta-Kapha). It is also used to manage urinary disorders and provides health to heart.

Different Names of Gokhru:

Gokhru has botanical name Tribulus Terrestris but also named as Gokshura, Trikanta, Small Caltrop, Devils thorn, Goat head, Puncture vine, Gokhuri, Goksuraka, Sharatte, Palleruveru, Nerinjil, Betagokharu, Bhakhra, Gokharu, Neggilu, Gokhri, and Michirkand etc.

Benefits of Gokhru:

One of the top benefits of Gokhru is that it reduces the hormonal imbalance in the body to regulate many hormonal activities leading a healthy life. Here are some important health benefits of Gokhru:

*Gokhru plays an important role in body building and also the overall fitness by toning muscles. Protodioscin and saponin present in Gokhru are effective chemical compounds that nurture our muscles by increasing oxygen rich blood flow to the muscles. It helps muscles to use the protein in our body to its capacity and consequently help with body fitness.

*Gokhru helps to increase the functioning of the brain. The antioxidants present in Gokhru help enhance focus, calmness, alertness, memory capacity etc. to boost the brain’s functioning. Gokhru stimulates the serotonin hormone responsible for emotional and mental state. It is observed that Gokhru is a sure shot remedy of mental disorder Alzheimer and helps improve cognitive abilities such as reasoning and problem-solving skills.

*Gokhru solves urinary tract related problems. Gokhru is one of the most beneficial home remedy for urinary tract infections as it diminishes harmful E-Coli bacteria causing such infections. The powdered form of Gokhru is regarded as best herbal treatment of urine related problems because of diuretic compounds contained in it improves the free flow of urine.

*Gokhru is good for healthy heart. Being a natural antioxidant and a cleanser, Gokhru helps strengthen the heart muscles and ensures no lipid or debris gets developed in the blood vessels, reducing the risk of strokes, heart attack and blood clots. It also helps to maintain the cholesterol level in the blood.

*Gokhru improves digestion. This Ayurvedic herb stimulates digestive juice secretion, improves the absorption of nutrients and increases digestion. It helps to cure Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), abdominal pain and distention, and ulcerative colitis.

*Gokhru can treat kidney problems and prevents kidney stones. Gokhru is found to be good regulator of excretion of uric acid thereby preventing gout. It helps prevent kidney stone formation and dissolves existing stones due to diuretic property.

*Gokhru reduces the symptoms of PCOS. Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome is a problem of some women when a cyst grows outside the ovary. It happens due to hormonal imbalance, more male hormones are present in female body. Gokhru regulates the hormonal balance to get rid of the problem.

*Gokhru treats low Libido. It acts as a natural aphrodisiac, reducing anxiety and stress. Gokhru stimulates the hormone that helps increase ‘libido’ to improve fertility and sex drive.

*Gokhru as a pain reliever. Gokhru has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that significantly reduce pain and inflammation caused by arthritis and osteoarthritis.

*Gokhru keeps skin healthy. Having antioxidant properties, Gokhru help curing oxidative free radical damage caused by sun rays. It is also useful in treating dark spots, dark circle, wrinkles, pimples, acne, fine lines, itchiness, hives and other skin infections.

Uses of Gokhru as Dietary supplement:

The leaves and shoots of the herb are being eaten by tribal population as a food supplement, the stem are used as a thickener added to dilute butter milk to give it the appearance of undiluted butter milk. Its extract has been used as a dietary supplement since a long time in belief that it increases testosterone level to aid body building and sexual enhancement in men.

Chemical Constituents:

The roots, stem, leaves and fruits all are used separately as well as altogether for the treatment of different health issues, so it is necessary to discover the ‘rasayans’ (chemicals) present in different parts of the plant.

*Root: The roots of Gokhru contain phenolic compounds, saponins, xanthoproteins, alkaloids, triterpenoids and flavonoids.

*Stem: The stem of the plant has saponins, phytosterol, tannins and carbohydrates.

*Leaves: The leaves of Gokhru contain flavonoids, alkaloids, Steroids, resins, saponins and protein.

*Fruits: The fruits of the plant contain alkaloids, stable oil, aromatic oil, resins, glycosides, carbohydrates saponins and triterpenoids.


Gokhru Is taken as medicine in the form of decoction, powder, tablets and capsules. Though the medical practitioners suggest different dosage for different problems of the sickness, but a healthy person should take normally the following dosage:

*The tablets or capsules: 1-2 tablets or capsules per day with warm water or milk,

*Kwath (Decoction): 2-4 tea spoons of kwath boiled with 200 ml. water or milk per day.

*Powder: 2-3 g. powder with warm water or milk twice a day.

Side Effects:

Though herbal use of Gokhru is considered to be safe, but over dose of the herb may cause some complications like vomiting and cramping. Pregnant women and breast feeding women should not take the herb without consulting their doctors.


Gokhru, the traditional herbal remedy blessed with countless health benefits holds high significance in treating urinary and kidney problems, improving reproductive functioning, boosting stamina, improving cognitive abilities, and promoting heart and skin health.


  1. What are Gokhru powder benefits?

A spoon full of Gokhru powder daily, can keep your heart, kidney and skin healthy. It improves your immune system.

  1. How to use Gokhru for face?

Apply the mixture of 2-3 table spoons of Gokhru powder, 4-5 drops of rose water and 1 table spoon of honey, evenly on the face, keep it for 15 minutes and then wash with cold water.

  1. What is difference between Gokshuradi and Gokhru?

Gokshuradi is an Ayurvedic supplement that has Gokhru as its primary ingredient

  1. Is it safe to take Gokhru and Ashwagandha simultaneously?

It is suggested to take both Gokhru and Ashwagandha together with juice or milk after workout session as a bodybuilding supplement.

  1. Can I take Gokhru, Ashwagandha and Shilajit together?

Yes, you can take all three together, but the composition should be discussed with expert.

  1. When to take Gokhru, before meal or after meal?

Decoction can be taken before meal but tablets and capsules should be taken after meal.

  1. What is the source of Gokhru?

Gokhru is plant-based; it is derived from the dried fruit of the plant.

  1. Which is better Gokhru or Ashwagandha?

Both Gokhru and Ashwagandha have their own set of benefits; they are not substitute of each other.








I am Bibhishan Prasad, a retired Mathematics and Science Teacher. My Interest in plants and their origin bring me to write these articles. Here in my blogs, I will share some Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, and More about so many plants which will help you to get huge knowledge about that plants.

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