
Plant products grown with love

Kantakari, a Beautiful Prick.



Kantakari (Solanum verginianum, Solanum xanthocarpum, Solanum surattense) is a small shrub copiously armed with sturdy, needle like broad based thorns on its stem and leaves. It is one of the very useful Ayurvedic herb used widely in the medicines for cough, cold, asthma and such other respiratory tract conditions. This is one of the ten roots being used as ‘Dasmoola’ group of medicines. Its English name is Yellow-berried Nightshade and Febrifuge plant. Kantakari, Kanthakari and Duhsparsha are its three names in Sanskrit, all having a meaning according to its name. ‘Kantakari’ means full of short thorns, ‘Kanthakari’ means good for throat related disorders, and ‘Duhsparsha’ means difficult to touch due to prickles. Apart from these names Kantakari has many other names in Ayurveda and traditional streams of medicine as Chhoti Kateri, Bhatakataiyya, and Rengani etc.


Kantakari is a small shrub found commonly in waste land and road side throughout India but in bulk in dry lands of Rajasthan and west Uttar Pradesh. It is prickly, prostate, perennial herb with compressed yellow straight spines all over the plant. Its stem are erect, solid, branched and dark green glabrous, leaves are ovate-oblong, sinuate and unequally paired, flowers having bluish purple or violet petals with shiny yellow stigma, green berry like fruits, yellow when ripe. Whole plant is protected with thousands of sharp white and yellow thorns and decorated with dark green leaves and beautiful blue, purple, violet flowers.

Medicinal Values:

Ayurveda has described the medicinal properties of the plant/herb as follows:

Rasa (taste) – Katu (pungent), Tikta (Bitter),

Guna (Properties) – Laghu (light), Ruksha (dry), Teekshna (piercing),

Vipaka (Digestion) – Katu (undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion),

Veerya (Potency) – Ushna (hot potency),

Effect on Tridosha – Balances Vata and Cough but increases Pitta.

Charak Sanhita has described Kantakari as follows:

Kasahara– Group of herbs that are used in treating cough and cold,

Shothahara– Group of herb possessing anti-inflammatory property,

Hikkanigrahana– Group of herbs that are used in relieving hiccups,

Kanthya– Group of herbs that is good for throat,

Angamardaprashamana – Group of herbs that is used in treating aches and pain.

Sushruta Sanhita has explained the properties of Kantakari as ‘Brihatyadi’, ‘Varunadi’ and ‘Laghupanchamula’ group of herbs and classified its potential as follows:

Shwasajit – Useful in treatment of asthma and chronic respiratory disorders,

Aruchihara – Useful in relieving anorexia,

Jwarhara – Useful in all types of fever,

Vatahara – useful in treating Vata-dosha imbalance,

Amadoshahara – Useful in Amah i e disturbed digestion and metabolic disorders,

Kanduhara – Useful in treating excessive itching,

Kushtahara – Useful in treating skin infections,

Krumighna – Useful in treating worm infections,

Hrudamaya – Useful in cardiac disorders,

Shukra Rechana – It helps in ejaculation,

Agnikrut – Improves digestion strength,

Medahara – Useful in obesity by reducing fat deposition,

Bala Pushtikara – Improves immunity strength and nourishment.

Uses and Benefits:

The juice of Kantakari along with honey is used in treating the problems related to urination and infections in urinary tract. Though there are many herbs described in Ayurveda for the treatment of cough and cold but Kantakari is the best remedy among them due to its hot potency. It is well established fact about Kantakari that it has Vatahara property so most of the Ayurvedic medicines for orthopedic conditions contain this herb as an ingredient. It improves digestive system, respiratory system and overall immune system. This herb is also suggested for the treatment of hair issues like dandruff and hair growth. Most of the Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Companies produce these medicines

Kantakari Avaleha – used in treating asthma,

Vyaghri Haritaki Avaleha – used in treating asthma and bronchitis,

Ajamamsa Rasayana – health tonic for improving stamina,

Khadiradi Gutika – Used in treating cough, having Kantakari as an ingredient.

Side Effects:

Due to hot potency Kantakari has only side effect that it may increase ‘pitta’ in the users who have ‘pitta-dosha’, otherwise it is safe for all.


Kantakari is very useful herb, easily available everywhere and a natural tonic for all. Ayurveda identified its potential and used it for the service of mankind. Apart from its medicinal values this herb has nutritional values also. It has been proved a boon for a big population suffering from cough and low immunity. People facing orthopedic issues have accepted this herb as remedy for ever. This herb is also associated with our traditions; sisters use it in ‘Bhaiyadooj’ and ‘Bhaiphota’ as a shield to protect them from evils.


  1. What is Kantakari?

Kantakari is a small shrub used as a medicinal herb.

  1. What are the uses of Kantakari?

Kantakari has a wide range of uses as Ayurvedic medicine such as cough, cold, asthma etc.

  1. Can we use it along with Homeopathic medicine?

Yes, but there must be a time gap between them at least 1 hour.

  1. How to use Kantakari for teeth-ache?

Dried fruit ash can be applied on teeth and gums to get rid of tooth-ache.

  1. Is Kantakari helpful in diabetes?

Kantakari extracts have properties to lower glucose level so certainly it will help diabetic person.

  1. Is it safe for children to use Kantakari dosage?

Yes, it is safe for all, no side effects have been recorded except pitta.

  1. Can Kantakari be used in case of liver injury?

Yes, it will help in recovery from liver injury.








I am Bibhishan Prasad, a retired Mathematics and Science Teacher. My Interest in plants and their origin bring me to write these articles. Here in my blogs, I will share some Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, and More about so many plants which will help you to get huge knowledge about that plants.

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