
Plant products grown with love

Punarnava The Reviver.


Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) is a flowering plant of Nyctaginaceae family found everywhere like grasses. The meaning of its name ‘Punarnava’ tells its properties, Punarnava means which rejuvenates or renews or revives. According to Ayurveda this herb has capability to make old people as strong as youth, this herb can revive the patients of pandu-rog i.e.. TB. Punarnava leaf is a common vegetable for rural population in Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Bengal. It is known as ‘Sathi’ and ‘Shothagni’ among the rural and tribal population. Punarnava plant is also known as ‘Spreading Hogweed’, it thrives in poor soil, bears small leaves green in upper but white in lower portion, small red flowers and fruits, and is especially prevalent during the rainy season. The whole plant is known to balance the ‘doshas’ or energies, and nurture the various channels of the body. Dried roots are also used in traditional ‘panchakarma’ procedures to relieve minor pain. This rejuvenate and restorative herb has been revered in India for centuries and is gaining popularity in the West.
Punarnava benefits for mind and body, in classical Ayurveda it has been used to support healthy mind, heart, lungs and kidney functions and reduce edema or ‘ama’ in the form of excess fluids.
*Organ Support: Punarnava modulates healthy function of the vital organs, and is found to support heart, liver, lungs and kidney health.
*Toxin Removal: Punarnava is believed to support healthy liver function by removing excess fluid and toxic wastes from the body.
*Diuretic: A potent diuretic, Punarnava can support the urinary system and filtration process.
*Healthy Blood Sugar: Punarnava is believed to rectify healthy blood sugar metabolism.
*Digestive Function: Punarnava soothes the gastrointestinal tract and supports a healthy inflammatory response for digestive comfort.
*Reproductive Health: Punarnava also modulates healthy reproductive function and regulate hormone activities’

*Improves Anemia Symptoms: Dried root powder of Punarnava when given with buttermilk increases iron level and reduces anemia symptoms within 90 days.
*Boosts Immunity: Punarnava contains some biologically active compounds, which have been found to exhibit immune stimulatory effects similar to Ashwagandha.
*Menstrual Problems: Punarnava is useful for reducing menstrual cramps and helps decrease swelling and prevents blood clot formation in uterus during menstrual cycle.
*Helps lose weight: Punarnava is known to be a good weight loss agent. However it only reduces water weigh and has not found to possess any fat reducing effects so far.
*Delays Aging: Punarnava is a natural antioxidant herb, it fights free radical damage and prevents the early onset of aging symptoms such as wrinkles and fine lines.
*Other Benefits: Apart from above benefits Punarnava has antimicrobial benefits, anticancer properties, benefits for skin, Eye sights, stress, asthma etc.
Nutritional Values:
Punarnava leaf and root powder has high nutritional content that is why it has been identified for its health benefits and used widely since ancient times. 100 g. of Punarnava contains 161 mg. fats, 162 mg. sodium, 226 mg. protein, 44.8 mg. vitamin C, 142 mg. calcium and 12 mg. iron. These nutrients present in Punarnava plant are extremely important for liver, kidney, eyes and efficient functioning of the nervous system. They help prevent many diseases and infections as well as cure many ailments.
Chemical Constituents:
Clinical researches on leaves, stem and roots of Punarnava reached to the result that the plant extracts have the following compounds of medicinal importance: b-Sitosterol, a-2-Sitosterol, palmitic acid, boerhavia, acid ester of b- sitosterol, boeravinon, tetracosonoic acid, hexacosonoic acid, hentriacontane, stearic acid, arachidic acid, urosilic acid, triacontanol, b-Ecdysone, punarnavine etc.
Ayurvedic practitioners suggest the following dosage for a common person, not for sick, dosage must vary according to sickness problems.
*Whole plant decoction 20-30 g.
*Fresh juice 10-20 ml.
*Root powder 1-3 g.
People suffering from any health problem should consult a practitioner to confirm dosage of the extracts of the plant according to their medical complications.
Side Effects:
Over dosage of Punarnava may increase the blood pressure,
It may create burning sensation in throat if not taken with water or milk,
It may cause some allergic sign in some individual, so test with very small amount first and wait for some time.
*Punarnava is not advised for pregnant women until or unless a practitioner suggests,
*Punarnava is strictly prohibited for a person, who takes alcohol,
*Children below 12 years should not be given without prior permission of experienced doctor,
*Overdosing of Punarnava may cause irritation or other complications.
The leaves of Punarnava are often used traditionally by rural population of many parts in India as a vegetable, but it is known for its medicinal values. It is considered to be a medicinal herb whose leaves, stem and roots all have so many chemicals (Rasayans) to treat a number of health issues. It is believed that Punarnava can energies sick and old person like a youth.
1.What is Punarnava?
Punarnava is a medicinal herb that is commonly used in Ayurvedic medicines.
2.What are the benefits of Punarnava?
Punarnava is believed to have a range of health benefits including reducing inflammation, improving digestion, promoting kidney and liver health and boosting immunity.
3.How is Punarnava used?
Punarnava is used as decoction, powder and capsules, generally powder and capsules are taken with warm water or milk.
4.Are there any side effect of Punarnava?
Punarnava is considered to be safe but high doses may cause some complications.
5.Where can I buy Punarnava?
Punarnava is available at health food stores, natural medicine shops and online retailers.


I am Bibhishan Prasad, a retired Mathematics and Science Teacher. My Interest in plants and their origin bring me to write these articles. Here in my blogs, I will share some Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, and More about so many plants which will help you to get huge knowledge about that plants.

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