
Plant products grown with love

Rasbhari a Delicious Health Partner.


Rasbhari (Physalis peruviana), commonly known as Cape gooseberry, Inca berry, Golden berry, Raspberry, Ground Cherry and Peruvian ground cherry  is a species of plant in the nightshade family. It is a small plant having a thin cover over its fruits. It is well known as Makowi/Makoy in Hindi belt of India but also has some regional names such as Chirpoti in Chhattisgarh, Sirpoti in Rajasthan and Patpotni in Uttar Pradesh. It grows as weeds in agricultural lands but farmers and their children love to eat its ripe fruits which are juicy and delicious.


Plant specialists say that Rasbhari is a plant which is nearest relative of tomato plant and native to Chile and Peru, but being grown in European countries and India at large scale. Royal family of UK loves Rasbhari as a food supplement and an important part of dining tables. Indian farmers used to destroy the plants of Rasbhari treating them as weeds but Ayurveda suggests that the plants of this herb have many nutritional and medicinal properties in them. Rasbhari plant is an annual plant in temperate zone but perennial in the tropical regions. The plant of Rasbhari develops into a diffusely branched herb reaching a height up to 1 meter, branches with heart shaped leaves, perfect bisexual yellow-pink flowers which later on develop into translucent husk covered fruits green berry turn yellow-orange when ripe. The crusty outer calyx is removed before consuming the golden berry fruit which are pulpy with many minuscule seeds and has slightly sweet, tangy, juicy flavor.


Several species of Rasbhari or Golden berry are being grown these days as a cash crop in India and Indian sub continent. This crop can be grown successfully in kitchen garden also. Its seeds are sown in summer and rainy season; April to August is the best period for starting the cultivation process. Well ploughed soil having a little moisture is good for sowing seeds. Regular weekly irrigation is required till the plants gain a height of 10 to 15 cm. The seedlings are transplanted leaving a distance of 1.5 m. Now regular irrigation should be done twice a month for two months when the plants are loaded with green berries. The crop gets ready in three months after transplant.

Rasbhari as a Food Supplement:

Due to its high nutritional values, Rasbhari has become a food supplement in high societies, famous restaurants, three star and five star hotels and intercontinental cafes. Rasbhari can be eaten raw as a fresh fruit and also in the dried form like raisins. It has become important ingredient in the recipes of some dishes like Yoghurt, a dairy product widely consumed in USA and Turkey, salads, oats etc. Rasbhari is also being used to prepare Jams, Jellies, Pies and Cakes.

Nutritional Values:

Ripe fruits of Rasbhari are a rich source of Vitamin A, Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C. The berry contains a high level of fructose which is the beneficial sugar for diabetic person. It contains the minerals like iron, phosphorus, magnesium and a little amount of calcium. The fruit of Rasbhari contains 74 calories per 140 gm, sufficient amount of fibers, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals but very less fat.

Health Benefits:

Rasbhari is suggested as a good health food supplement by Ayurvedic practitioners as well as allopathic doctors for healthy life but it is also suggested as a medical supplement to those people who suffer by some health issues. Here are some health benefits of Rasbhari as suggested by experts:

*Strengthening Immunity: Being rich in Vitamin C, and holding potent antioxidant property, Rasbhari is splendid fruit for boosting optimal immunity. It is used to treat cough, cold, monsoon flu, seasonal complications and skin disorders. It decreases the risks of chronic ailments like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and neurodegenerative conditions of Alzheimer’s dementia.

*Fosters Strong Bones and Joints: Rasbhari is awarded with bone fortifying minerals like calcium and phosphorous which improve the strength and resilience of the hard connective tissues in the body. Minerals present in the juice and seeds of Rasbhari help increase bone density and helpful in bone disorders like arthritis, osteoporosis joint injuries and bone fractures.

*Prevents Cancer: Antioxidants like phenol constituents and withanolides Rasbhari makes a protective shield to healthy cells and tissues from oxidative free radical damage. Thus the chemicals present in Rasbhari remove harmful toxins to an extent and provide strength to the cells and tissues of the body to fight with the risk of cancer.

* Enhances Eye Health: Rasbhari contains Vitamin A, Carotene, antioxidants Lutein and zeaxanthin which provide eyes good health and prevent eye disorders. Researchers say that Rasbhari contains so many plant chemicals which provide safeguard for visual organelles retina, cornea, eye lens and optic nerves against detrimental effects of pathogens and free radicals, uplifting eyesight.

*Remedies Hypertension: Rasbhari possesses a sufficient amount of anthocyanin antioxidants which protect the cardiac cells and tissues from blood clogging and bad cholesterol deposition. Phenol contained in the fruit stops the harm from fatty acids and makes easy flow of blood in arteries and veins, releasing tension in the valves and lowering the pressure of the blood.

Side Effects:

Unripe fruits of Rasbhari may be harmful and create some digestion problem. Allergic person should take advice from health care units before having it. Some wild varieties of Rasbhari are considered to be poisonous, but they can be identified easily, calyx of the wild species is opaque and hard enough to tear. People having stone problems in their kidney or gallbladder should avoid it.


Rasbhari is not only a tasty food supplement but also it is blessed with the goodness of many essential nutrients such as fibers, proteins, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Nutrients present in the fruit gives our immunity a boost and many plant chemical constituents present in it serve our health issues to a great extent. Rasbhari should be an essential part of our daily diet as seasonal fruit.


1 What is Rasbhari?

Rasbhari is a berry like fruit from a small plant called Rasbhari, Makoy and Cape Gooseberry.

2 What does a Rasbhari fruit look like?

Rasbhari fruit looks like a small ball covered by a papery husk that resembles a Chinese lantern.

  1. What does Rasbhari taste like?

Rasbhari has a sweet and slightly tart flavor similar to a cherry tomato.

  1. How is Rasbhari grown?

Rasbhari is grown from seeds and prefers a warm atmosphere and full sun.

  1. What are the health benefits of Rasbhari?

Rasbhari is a good source of vitamins and minerals and is a good immunity booster.



I am Bibhishan Prasad, a retired Mathematics and Science Teacher. My Interest in plants and their origin bring me to write these articles. Here in my blogs, I will share some Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, and More about so many plants which will help you to get huge knowledge about that plants.

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