
Plant products grown with love

Vasaka : an Amazing Herb.



Vasaka; an amazing herb identified by Ayurveda as a store-house of many medicinal properties effective against cough, bronchial asthma, diabetes, mellitus, mental disorders, acid reflux and alcoholism. Vasaka (Justicia adhatoda/Adhatoda vasica) is also known as Malabar nut in English, Vasaka in Sanskrit, Vasaka and Aarush in Hindi, and “lion’s muzzle” & “stallion’s tooth” in Botany. Some other regional names of the herb Vasaka are Arusa, Adulsa, Vasika and Vajidanta. Vasaka is a tall, evergreen, herbaceous shrub native to Indian subcontinent but also found in some other Asian countries. The plant features yellow colored bark, lance-shaped leaves, white and purple flowers and pubescent club-shaped capsular fruits. Unpleasant smell of its flowers and bitter taste of its leaves, keep the plant safe from goats and other herbivorous animals. Vasaka is Tikta (bitter) in taste, Kashaya (astringent) in Rasa, Laghu (light) and Ruksha in Guna, Shita Virya (cold potency) in property. Vasaka characterizes Katu Vipaka (pungent taste after digestion) and mainly portrays rejuvenating property. The Bio-active compounds present in Vasaka help to pacify the Pitta (fire and air) and Kapha (earth and water) doshas and effectively removes the AMA doshas from the body.

Nutritional Contents:

According to Ayurveda and Yunani stream of medication Vasaka is the best natural expectorant only due to its rich content of bioactive components like Carotene, Luteolin, Vasicine, Vasakin, Quinazoline, Alkaloids, and essential oils. All the parts of the plant Vasaka contain various useful biochemical components carrying many medicinal values such as, the leaves of the plant are the store house of phytochemicals like tannins, Saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids, and phenolics. Roots of the plant contain some biochemical possessing anti-inflammatory properties on external use but anti-constipation property by ingestion. Inoculated with powerful properties like anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, anti-cough, and a bronchodilator etc, the plant is useful for therapeutic indications like upper respiratory infections, tuberculosis, heart problems, nose bleeding, dengue etc.

Health Benefits:

*Cough and Cold / Asthma / Bronchitis: Periodically appearing cough, congested throat and abnormal respiration cause lots of discomfort especially in night. Relief and peaceful sleep becomes the nightmare in such situations. Decoction of Vasaka leaves by boiling two leaves in water, mixed with two tea spoons of honey in a cup of decoction, gives instant relief in common cough and cold. Being rich in antibiotic and expectorant properties, Vasaka holds high significance in treating the common cough and cold, flu symptoms, chest and nasal congestion, and seasonal flu. Some preparations of Vasaka made by Ayurvedic practitioners, Yunani practitioners and local herbal Vaidyas are found highly effective treating Asthma, Bronchitis, sinusitis, and other respiratory infections.

*Gastrointestinal Problems: Being a powerful digestive stimulant, Vasaka is very useful herbal supplement for many issues related to our digestive system. The carminative and appetite stimulant properties of the herb help in digestion, by promoting the secretion of digestive hormones and increasing the absorption processes in intestine. By eliminating the formation of abdominal gas, the preparations of the herb Vasaka reduces abdominal distension, bloating and gaseous cramps. Different preparations made from the dried leaves and roots of Vasaka offer amazing cures for a wide range of gastrointestinal disorders like esophagitis, dyspepsia, heartburn, diarrhea, flatulence, peptic ulcer, and gastro esophageal reflux disease.

*Diabetes: Decoction prepared by boiling the leaves and roots of Vasaka in water ingested daily morning regulates the formation and secretion of insulin to counter diabetes, but excess of the dosage may lower down the sugar level to the normal mark, so regular check up of sugar count must be done. One cup decoction is enough for a diabetic person having sugar level more than 160.

*Heart Problems / High BP: Some of the nutrients present in the herbal extracts of Vasaka have capability to purify blood by maintaining essential counts of WBC, RBC, platelets, uric acid, TC, DC and other counts. This property helps to manage blood pressure, blood sugar, and hence prevents a host of heart rhythm disorders. The presence of anti-coagulant and anti-fibrinolytic properties prevents blockage and formation of clots in the arteries.

*Infections: Vasaka extracts are the ultimate solution to ward off the various infections caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa. Anti-microbial, antiseptic and antibiotic properties present in the chemical constituents of Vasaka make it effective over microbial infections and their complications like fever, tuberculosis, dengue etc. It has potential to fight against allergic conditions on skin and internal organs too.

*Pain and Inflammation: Bio-active components present in the extracts of Vasaka have strong antibiotic, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties so the preparations made from the extracts of Vasaka have potential to cure all types of pain, various allergic complications, muscular inflammation, joint pain due to arthritis and accidental injuries. Rise in the level of uric acid in the blood also cause joint pain. Powder of Panchang of Vasaka reduces uric acid in blood and also diminishes pain and tenderness that causes due to gout. Being a natural vasodilator, it is also used to treat painful muscle spasms, sore muscles, arthritic conditions, and inflammatory conditions because of various complications.

*Skin Health: Antioxidant properties and anti-microbial properties of the alkaloids and flavonoids present in the leaves, stems, and flowers of the herb Vasaka make it a perfect treatment for skin infections like acne, itching, warts, blisters, boils and eczema etc. Beauty essential flavonoids present in the extracts of Vasaka can improve the complexion by applying externally over the skin to tone it, clear the blocked pores, and reducing the aging factors. Owing to the antiseptic nature, the juice of Vasaka leaves prevents wounds and injuries from infections and facilitates smooth healing.

*Uremia: Urea and other nitrogenous wastes are filtered and excreted by the kidney in regular interval of time but when the efficiency of the kidney decreases and the level of nitrogenous wastes and urea increases in blood the complication of health is called Uremia. Various useful bioactive components of Vasaka extracts help eliminating the toxic wastes from the body through urine and uplift the urinary functions to the normal level. Vasaka preparations are preventive medications against renal failure.

*Ulcers: Vasaka preparations are effective medicines for both preventive and corrective actions against various types of ulcers in various parts of the body. Vasaka decoctions are very effective in reducing ulcers and sores without any complications. Some preparations in Ayurveda and Yunani streams are found to be effective in treatment of bleeding disorders in women and a potent remedy for peptic and duodenal ulcers.

How to Use:

Traditional Vaidyas of rural Bharat have many ways to use Vasaka in different health conditions such as:

*Juice of leaves and stem mixed with honey is an effective cough syrup and rehydrating mixture,

*Juice of leaves boiled with jiggery, pepper, ghee and honey to make jellies for asthma patients,

*Decoction of leaves taken with honey and ginger/raw turmeric makes the winter morning warm.

*Powder of dried roots is suggested to take with warm water to get rid of problems related to urinary tracts.

*Dried leaves of Vasaka may be smoked like cigar to get rid of wheezing.

*Many preparations are available in Ayurvedic stores prepared by various Ayurvedic pharmacy companies in the form of tablets, syrups, Avaleha, powder and tonics.


Though registered practitioners of Ayurveda suggest the dosage of the preparations according to the health conditions and the age of the patient, but for preventive care it is suggested by the experienced researchers as follows:

Dosage for adults: 1. Leaf powder- 3 to 5 gm.

  1. Flower Powder- 1 gm.
  2. Root powder – 2 gm.
  3. Leaf juice- 25 ml.
  4. Leaf decoction – 2 leaves in 500 ml water boiled till it becomes 250 ml.
  5. Tablets- 1 tablet daily morning.
  6. Syrup- 5 ml. twice a day.
  7. Avaleha – 1 tea spoon twice a day.

Side Effects:

Though there is no reporting about any complication related to the side effects of using Vasaka preparations or decoction but yet the user should consult the registered practitioners in case the preparations are given to pregnant ladies, breast-feeding women and babies.


Vasaka is an amazing herb which has various properties benefiting the mankind to lead towards a healthy living. Its rejuvenating property, anti-aging property and antibiotic property have made it a perfect tonic for long and happy life. Nature has awarded Vasaka with lots of health benefits as treating cough and cold, asthma, taking care of throat infections, sinusitis, managing high BP, boosting immunity, providing shield against seasonal flu and various microbial infections, providing relief in all types of muscular and joint pain, regulating blood circulation and urinary tracts and above all it is a vital tonic for healthy life.


  1. What are the names of Vasaka in different parts of the country?

Arusa, Aarush, Adusa, Adosa, Adulsa, Adusoi, Vaasa, Baksa etc are the names of Vasaka in different states of Bharat.

  1. Which part of our country has suitable climate for the survival of Vasaka?

Plateau region is most suitable for this herb, Jharkhand, Orissa, Chhattisgarh and some parts of Bengal has abundance of this herb.

  1. Which key compound present in Vasaka makes it an antibiotic medicine?

Quinazoline alkaloid is the key compound present in Vasaka which is responsible for antibiotic property.

  1. Which vitamin is present in Vasaka?

Vitamin C is present in Vasaka but very little in amount.

  1. Where can one find Vasaka?

Vasaka and its preparations can be bought from Ayurvedic stores.

  1. What are the main health benefits of Vasaka?

Though Vasaka has various health benefits but effectiveness in treating respiratory disorders like asthma, bronchitis, and cough is the main health benefit.

  1. Is Vasaka safe for children?

Vasaka should be used cautiously in case of children.




I am Bibhishan Prasad, a retired Mathematics and Science Teacher. My Interest in plants and their origin bring me to write these articles. Here in my blogs, I will share some Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, and More about so many plants which will help you to get huge knowledge about that plants.

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