Bibhishan Prasad
Anantamool an Incredible Herb.
Introduction: Anantamool or Indian Sarsaparilla (Hemidesmus indicus) is a semi-erect creeper found in almost all parts of Bharat. Anantamool means...
Bibhishan Prasad
Linseed the Flax with Natural Nutrition.
Introduction: Linseed or Common Flax (Linum usitatissium) is a flowering plant cultivated as food crop in Indian subcontinent and as a food and fiber...
Bibhishan Prasad
Atibala the Indian Mallow.
Introduction: Atibala, the Indian mallow (Abutilon indicum) is a common weed found at roadside, abundant places and in the forests along with bushes...
Bibhishan Prasad
Aamla; the Amrit Phal.
Introduction: Aamla (Phyllanthus emblica/Emblica officinalis) is a deciduous tree native to Indian subcontinent. It is a gift of nature to mankind. It...
Bibhishan Prasad
Amaltas; a Tree with Golden Shower.
Introduction: Amaltas (Cassia fistula), the Golden Rain Tree, is a flowering plant, develops in a big tree in 5-6 years. It is native to Indian...
Bibhishan Prasad
Agastya; The West Indian Tree.
Introduction: Agastya (Sesbania grandiflora) is a fast growing, soft wooded tree, native to South Asia and North Australia. According to Ayurveda, the...
Bibhishan Prasad
Vasaka : an Amazing Herb.
Introduction: Vasaka; an amazing herb identified by Ayurveda as a store-house of many medicinal properties effective against cough, bronchial asthma,...
Bibhishan Prasad
Brahmi: A Brain Tonic
Introduction: Brahmi; a botanical gem, with scientific name Bacopa monnieri is a small, succulent, glabrous, creeper annual herb found in all parts of...
Bibhishan Prasad
Chamomile A Beautiful Health Care.
Introduction: Chamomile is one of the most ancient medicinal herbs known to mankind. It is known as ‘Babunah’ in Ayurvedic medicinal practices....
Bibhishan Prasad
Madar: A Neglected Pearl.
Introduction: Madar, (Caltrops procera/Caltrops gigantean), a plant of Apocynaceae family, generally found in dry barren highlands of Rajasthan,...
Bibhishan Prasad
Belladonna, a Toxic Herb.
Introduction: Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) is a branching herbaceous perennial plant often growing as a sub shrub from a fleshy rootstock. Commonly...
Bibhishan Prasad
Sarpagandha: Indian Snakeroot Uses, Tablets, and Plants
Sarpagandha Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina) is a very valuable root plant, a flowering shrub that grows widely in the sub-Himalayan moist forests...
Bibhishan Prasad
Sage Plant: A Natural Pharmacy
Salvias Plant Sage Plant (Salvia officinalis) is a fascinating plant with an exceptional flavor and is considered to be a miraculous food supplement...
Bibhishan Prasad
Aparajita the Blue-bell-vine
Aparajita (Clitoria ternatea) is a plant having holy flower used in puja-rituals, a Vastu-friendly plant which invites happiness and prosperity, a...
Bibhishan Prasad
Apamarg the Health Reformer
Apamarg (Achyranthes aspera) is a tropical weed, i e a wild plant found everywhere in neglected lands, roadside, demarcation of farming fields and...
Bibhishan Prasad
Rasbhari a Delicious Health Partner.
Rasbhari (Physalis peruviana), commonly known as Cape gooseberry, Inca berry, Golden berry, Raspberry, Ground Cherry and Peruvian ground cherry is a...
Bibhishan Prasad
Kantakari, a Beautiful Prick.
Introduction: Kantakari (Solanum verginianum, Solanum xanthocarpum, Solanum surattense) is a small shrub copiously armed with sturdy, needle like...
Bibhishan Prasad
Satavari the Queen of Herbs.
Introduction: Satavari/Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosa) is a plant of ‘asparagus’ family. It is a herb having soft, feathery, thin and striated...
Bibhishan Prasad
Bhringraj our Beauty-Partner.
Introduction: Bhringraj (Eclipta Prostrata) or (Eclipta Alba), popularly known as ‘false daisy’ is a traditional wonder herb that is hugely...
Bibhishan Prasad
Gokhru / Gokshura a Vital Herb.
Introduction: Gokhru/Gokshura (Tribulus Terrestris) is an annual plant in the caltrop family, widely distributed around the world. It is native to...
Bibhishan Prasad
Punarnava The Reviver.
Introduction: Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) is a flowering plant of Nyctaginaceae family found everywhere like grasses. The meaning of its name...
Bibhishan Prasad
Ginger the Treasure of Qualities.
Introduction: Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) is a flowering plant whose underground stem (rhizome) is widely used as a spice and a folk medicine. It is...
Bibhishan Prasad
Vidhara The Elephant Creeper.
Introduction: Vidhara (Argyreia Nervosa) also known as Ghav Bel , Adhoguda, Elephant Creeper, Hawaiian baby wood rose, wooly morning glory and...
Bibhishan Prasad
Patharchatta the Mother of Thousands.
Introduction: Patharchatta (Kalanchoe Pinnata) also known as ‘Bryophyllum pinnatum’ & ‘Bryophyllum Calcicola’ is a decorative and...
Bibhishan Prasad
Sadabahar a Decorative Medicine.
Introduction: Sadabahar (Catharanthus Roseus) is a flowering plant found commonly in the garden of almost all the plant lovers. People of different...
Bibhishan Prasad
Turmeric The Indian Saffron.
Introduction: Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) is a plant of ginger family native to Southeast Asia and is grown in India in large scale. Its under ground...
Bibhishan Prasad
Aloe Vera a Soulmate for Healthy Life.
Introduction: Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis Miller) also known as Gwarpatha and Ghritkumari is a succulent plant found in India and almost all the parts...
Bibhishan Prasad
Chirata a Bitter Friend
Introduction: Chirata (Swertia Chirayita) is a bitter herb being used traditionally by common men in India for all types of fever and all types of...
Bibhishan Prasad
Giloy the Amrita – Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, and More
Giloy Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, and More Introduction: Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia) is a climbing shrub and an essential herb in Ayurvedic...
Bibhishan Prasad
Ashwagandha a Boon for Human Beings
Benefits of Ashwagandha Introduction: Ashwagandha is a plant of the shrub category. It is an evergreen shrub of the Solanaceae/nightshade family. It...
Bibhishan Prasad
Basils and their types, benefits and origin
What is basil? Basil is an herb, widely used as medicinal plant in India and an ingredient of food in Europe and USA. Holy basil is known as Tulsi in...